Double leather strapping
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Lizzy McAllister gets a spanking
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Lake Industries employees are paid well above the average and they know that... mainly for one reason; If they ever have to face a Disciplinary Hearing, then CEO Johnny Lake takes a personal interest in matters. His methods are dealt with in the old-fashioned way with spankings and the use of punishment implements to set his employees back on the straight and narrow. Maddy Marks and the new girl, Lizzy McAllister, had taken an unauthorized leave of absence just so they could attend a nearby theme park's inauguration... he takes a dim view of this. The new girl is nervous and pins the blame on Maddy and the girls argue... the CEO has heard enough and uses Maddy first as an example of what will happen to Lizzy. Maddy is spanked over the desk as her colleague watches as the spanking continues on her sore bare bottom. Then it is Lizzy's turn to receive her first spanking and her round cheeks jiggle and redden quickly, being unaccustomed to such punishments. The girls are then given a leather strapping on their already sore, glowing behinds and are told to take time out, to reflect on their misbehavior. They are allowed to rub and soothe their very tender rears. We filmed this in 2018 and found this in our vast trove of unedited films so please welcome newbie Lizzy McAllister to AAA alongside the return of Maddy Marks to your screens in this Workplace Discipline featurette!

Reyna's welted caned bottom
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OTK spanking
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Reyna St. Clair has been summoned to see the Headmistress mid-morning but has no idea why as detentions and disciplinary meetings are always held after the school day has ended. However, it is a ruse to catch this miscreant off guard as her cyberbullying exploits (alongside the gaggle of other girls she employed for this online campaign) are about to come crashing down in flames. Miss Matthews is now fully aware of who carried out the vile false rumors and she wants the names of the other girls from the ringleader herself. Of course, Reyna denies everything until pressed with overwhelming evidence and she is to be punished hard... and Headmistress has taken a personal approach to this. She informs Reyna just how much she will enjoy caning her as hard as she can across her bare bottom. Reyna's smirks and confident demeanor fade as she knows this will be thoroughly unpleasant! The scolding discipline continues with a more traditional method of a mean hand spanking across the educator's lap... but promises of that caning are soon fulfilled. This is no ordinary caning at the school and Headmistress delights in ruining this nasty little bully's day with a real 18-swat welting that has her spilling the beans and naming the other girls. The poor wretch's humiliation is complete when she is told to go back to classes and to enjoy the Math Test that she has later that day (knowing full well that she will be sitting rather uncomfortably). Reyna learns that her cyberbullying days are over as she will have to face her fellow cohorts with the knowledge that she gave them up to try and save further punishment to her already sore swollen bottom.

Helen nurses her sore bottom
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Hard OTK hand spanking
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Helen returns home from school to find her mom waiting for her in a most disagreeable mood. Her heart sinks when she discovers why her mother is so upset as she has been told all about the bullying that Helen has been caught doing to some other girls. She is lectured and told off in no uncertain manner but she has nothing to say, not even appearing sorry for her actions. This spurs mom to take the brat over the maternal lap for a good old-fashioned, hard, over the knee spanking. Helen's regulation knickers are pulled down and her bare, reddening bottom is given a thorough tanning. The tops of her thighs are not spared and when Helen half-heartedly says she is sorry, the punishment continues. This time, she is bent over, bottom exposed, as mother uses a stiff, heavy leather paddle that stings horribly as the truculent girl finally admits to being truly remorseful about her bullying behavior!

Tearful leather paddling
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Hard OTK hand spanking
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Please welcome Paula starring in a memorable debut with us here at AAA, we are sure you will want to see more of this naughty young lady after you view her film. Paula has caused quite a commotion at the hotel she and her family are staying at and she was spanked rather hard for her behavior. However, the hotel manager (John Osborne) had been contacted on his day off about this incident and he confronts the family who explain that the matter had been dealt with earlier and allow him to punish their girl too... even providing the necessary implements of correction. This is where we see Paula, nursing her sore bottom as the manager enters her room to discuss the matter further... he will not have her treat the housekeeping staff like they are personal servants and informs her that she is to be punished again! It seems young Paula is used to this as she complies easily and takes her position over his lap. Her bottom is swollen, and speckled red from her last thrashing so the spanking she receives this time hurts even more. Just like before, her naked bottom is spanked, then paddled hard... saving the "Family Strap" for last. By the time the manager is finished with her, Paula's bottom is a burning, shameful red. It is too sore to sit on and she is left face down on the bed, bottom out, feeling sorry for herself as she gently rubs her aching cheeks better. This is one vacation she will not forget in a hurry!

Hairbrush spanking
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Rectal temperature taking
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Apricot has a Social Studies exam and has not revised for it knowing she will fail if she takes it. Her mom (Madame Samantha B) knows that this young lady is faking something and is well aware that Apricot is pretending to be unwell to get out of this important examination. Of course, she decides to test Apricot's resolve by going through the ritual of taking her temperature... but using "her method" - the more humiliating rectal temperature taking. Apricot is so desperate that she readily agrees but the inevitable normal reading means she is a faker in need of extra discipline! Found out and embarrassed by her futile deception, Apricot is given a hand spanking across the maternal lap, and her round buttocks soon turn a more fitting and shameful red. Mommy has more in store for this little liar and tells her to go fetch the hairbrush before she goes over again for a further, hard bare bottom whacking with the Mason & Pearson brush that has Apricot yelping and wriggling from the painful swats. She is left to compose herself briefly, rubbing her sore red cheeks, before she is to be taken to school for that exam that she so hopelessly tried to avoid!

Audrey's sore spanked bottom
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Hard OTK Spanking
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Audrey knows the rules in this house; A spanking at school means a spanking at home. She is dreading the return of Daddy as he has been told about the incident which led to her punishment earlier that day. She is ready for bed, dressed in her cute PJs, but he is not fooled by his precious little girl's pleas for clemency. After a quick scolding, she is taken over his lap for a hard long spanking that has her yelping out loud and gasping as she feels his firm, mean paternal hand across her extra sore bare seat. This is a no-nonsense hard OTK hand spanking and we promise that you will not be able to take your eyes off Audrey's jiggling bare buttocks as she is given a proper old-fashioned punishment at home.

Sore red bottom
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Case Cherry gets a leather strapping
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This is a precautionary tale for those party animal hedonists who are too selfish to care about others when staying at busy hotel chains. Imagine, if you will, one such story of Case Cherry... who entertained far too many people by hosting a noisy, feral party... much to the annoyance of other regular guests at this particular hotel. Then on the morning after the night before... Case is confronted by one such angry guest who just happens to be Miss Bernadette! She barges into Case's room, the girl is unaware of just who she has royally upset but she is about to discover the hard way, just who! Bernadette chastises her how girls who selfishly party the night away will be punished for their sins! Bernadette then drags Case over her lap, the young girl is still in shock that she is getting spanked but the humiliation goes up a notch as her tight panties are quickly removed too. Her pert, tight bottom bounces and jiggles as she is given a thorough hard hand spanking by Miss Bernadette. The punishment is far from over, she is treated like a slut, and her legs are splayed as Bernadette admonishes Case, continuing with the bottom smackings. The leather strap that Bernadette brought with her into the room is used next across Case's reddening, sore behind... the hapless girl is placed over the couch and given a proper leathering that has her gasping out loudly in disbelief. Now she knows the hurt of payback for her party antics from the night before. She is left to contemplate more of the same, clutching and rubbing her sore, aching bottom... that there will be more of the same if she dares ruin any hotel guests' stay in the future!

Waering the Dunce hat
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Rachel given a hand tawsing
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Rachel has been sent to see the Headmistress, Miss Matthews, concerning a matter of plagiarism. This sort of cheating behavior for an important coursework appraisal has upset Miss Matthews greatly and she intends to make an example of lazy Rachel. The poor girl is trembling as she knows that punishment is coming and everyone knows how Headmistress can be mean and inventive when it comes to discipline. Her fears are confirmed as a small, stiff leather tawse is used across Rachel's "cheating hands". This brings her poor behavior into focus... the next part of her punishment is over the lap of the stern educational figure as the regulation knickers are pulled down and a hard hand spanking quickly reddens Rachel's stinging bottom. While tears well up in her eyes, Rachel is told the final part of this punishment will be carried out over the desk as her bare exposed bottom is strapped mercilessly. She sobs and cries a flood of tears, her face as red as her sore bottom... and because she cheated, she is told to sit on the stool during reflection time, wearing the Dunce Cap, as a reminder of how foolish she had been.

Leather strapping for Violet
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Spanked by her tutor
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Our latest popular "Positions" series stars Ella Raine in this action-packed spanking spectacular. Each position goes straight to the action, with no build-up dialogue... just the spankings that Ella takes in each segment. The first, as always, is the classic OTK, Ella's bare unblemished bottom soon turns red under the relentless hand-smacking and you get to see it all with facial as well as additional angles of her over John's lap. The second position is what we do best, the wheelbarrow spanking: Ella is spanked in this position for the first time and you can sense the embarrassment of being bared and exposed in such a manner. The camera covers multiple angles as you would expect from a company renowned for filming girls in this position! Her sweet spots on her inner thighs also do not escape his hand or the leather teardrop paddle that is used. Finally, Ella is splayed and placed on all fours across the bed for a leather strapping which makes a fitting finale, ensuring that her bottom is fully covered in a beautiful red hue showing that the past 15 minutes have delivered more than enough impact play. This was spanking and strapping for the sake of it... a celebration of what she is capable of receiving and fans of Ella will adore this latest film... go see for yourself.

Tearful spankings
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OTK spanking for Misty
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Misty and Riley have been kicked out of Gym Class for fighting and sent to Miss Elizabeth to be disciplined. This sort of behavior is unacceptable at this prestigious Girls' Boarding School... and will be dealt with at the highest level. Riley had made fun of Misty's sore bruised bottom when she had changed into the regulation bottle green gym knickers (she had been spanked at home) and an embarrassed Misty fought back. The scrapping girls were prised apart by the furious Gym Mistress and sent to the Principal's Office. When summoned, the girls are contrite and scolded by Miss Elizabeth as they are told they will both receive a spanking over her knee in front of each other. This punishment is humiliating for them as not only must they watch each other, but their bottoms are bared and their exposed buttocks given a further hard hand spanking as they both squirm and kick over the lap in extreme discomfort. By now, the tears are starting to well up in their eyes as they are both told they will receive a caning... and this principal relishes swishing the rattan rod! Each girl takes her punishment, in turn, bent over with their bare behinds jutting out invitingly. Riley receives more strokes as she instigated the fight and Misty's already sore bottom was by now burning in shame. At the end of their discipline, both girls are told to wait for Miss Elizabeth to write out the reports while they cry and sob uncontrollably from the embarrassing punishment they both endured. The tearful finale is something to behold and will appeal to those who appreciate the fetish of dacrylagnia (love of tears & crying).

Hairbrush spanking
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OTK spanking for Kiki
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This is a typical tale of new step-siblings who clash when one takes advantage of the other. In this case, it is Kiki who has been taking advantage of the good nature of her new step-brother. She behaves poorly at home and knows exactly who to blame when things go wrong and now there is a reckoning. Ethan is fed up taking the fall for her and she should know better. He works hard and knows exactly how to deal with such a wayward young lady by giving her a spanking which he knows instills discipline. Kiki tries to wriggle out of her punishment but he takes her over his lap anyway and begins to spank her with his hard hand. As she complains and answers back, he further humiliates her by spanking her without the protection of her undergarments. Her bottom burns but the wooden hairbrush that she spies next to her is to be also used across her bare vulnerable backside. This really grabs her attention and he doesn't hold back, lecturing and scolding his bratty stepsister until he is satisfied she knows how to behave in the future. She learns her lesson, rubbing her sore aching bottom, and promises to do better knowing that she fully deserved this punishment! 

Rectal temperature taking by Nurse
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Spanking Violet Haze
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Violet Haze is the sort of girl that has been "crying wolf" far too often and she is known by the teaching staff as not to be trusted. This latest incident is proof positive as she tries to get out of school by claiming she isn't feeling well. No doubt there is a test or something else that this young madam deems beneath her and she will do anything to get out of it. Rather than waste the time of the teaching staff, her claims of illness mean she is sent to Soria, the school nurse. She decides to call Violet's bluff and informs the miscreant that she will take her temperature to check if she has a fever. Violet is warned of the consequences of lying and she decides to take the rather humiliating rectal thermometer, greased up with cold vaseline. She is splayed over the medical staff's desk, bared and vulnerable as the glass instrument is placed into her anus and kept there for what seems eons for an embarrassed Violet. Of course, she is lying and the normal reading proves this! Nurse Soria immediately spanks Violet over the desk, as her bare quivering cheeks redden in shame. Worse is to come for this little faker, the nurse presents a heavy, stinging leather strap which she uses across Violet's sore cheeks. She ensures that the schoolgirl learns a valuable lesson that she can't lie her way out of attending classes. This is a hot, naughty embarrassment and punishment film of popular performer, Violet Haze, at the hands of renowned disciplinarian, Goddess Soria. F/F Spanking and school uniform lovers will adore this latest movie!

strapped on her sore bottom
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Dolly spanked hard
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We love working with Dolly as she enjoys making fun and interesting fetish films, especially of the spanking genre and this was from our recent visit to Fetishcon. The role she plays here is not her in real life as she is professional and eager to work with producers to get the best content possible... Dolly is also a lot of fun to be around. In this film, she plays the worst type of model, one who turns up late, unable to understand what was originally required, then is rude, sassy, and generally a timewaster! She turns up late for the film shoot and does not apologize for this which infuriates John, she also turned up with a marked bottom as she had played too much the night before despite promising she would be unblemished for a special custom video! He takes it out on her already sore-looking bottom, scolding her for the ridiculous "school uniform" she was asked to bring (of course it was pink and far too slutty). John spanks her upturned bare bottom then uses a heavy leather Reformatory Strap as she is splayed out and exposed on the bed on all fours. There are lots of amazing angles of wicked Dolly's punishment, showing her facial reactions and her very spankable bottom turning a beautiful crimson. Fans of Dolly Mattel will adore this latest film of her getting a well-deserved thrashing!

Sunny caned hard
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Hand spanking for Sunny Days
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Sunny's weekly maintenance spanking has a little extra waiting for her as she has been a little naughtier since her last meeting with John. He shows her a cane, it will be her first caning and she will get a half dozen strokes applied hard and firm. However, before she has that to worry about, there is the matter of her OTK spanking. She knows how this works; The humiliating ritual of having the hand spanking carried out over her crisp white panties, then with them pulled down before being fully removed. His hand is unrelenting and she is secretly thankful that her bottom is being warmed up for the second part of her punishment. She is placed in front of the fireplace, legs parted, bottom out, and he continues to spank her hard before finally delivering 6 mean, hard strokes of a dense dragon cane that bites into her reddened sore, bouncing buttocks. This week's maintenance spanking punishment is one she won't forget for quite some time! Fans of super cute Sunny Days will love this unique no-nonsense spanking punishment film that's all action with little dialogue!

Mistress Scarlet & Bella
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Bella birched by Mistress
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Bella is taking a relaxing bath and notices the two birches that Mistress Scarlet had her make earlier that day. She has never been birched and wonders if they will be used on her later, or maybe even in that very bathtub! With the warm water soothing her aching muscles, she lies back, daydreaming of what might happen. In Bella's dream state, Mistress tells her she has been very naughty and she is stood up out of the tub, her wet buttocks spanked slowly and deliberately. The birch is dipped into the warm soapy water which makes it sting even more when applied against her cheeks. The telltale birch twig marks and welts appear as Mistress continues to birch and spank her naughty girl. For Bella, in her dream state, she imagines that the birching is romantic... and you can clearly see the close trusting relationship she has with Mistress Scarlet in this unique first-time birching. Fans of Bella and Scarlet will not want to miss this amazing film!

daddy comforts ten after her spanking
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Spanked OTK by Daddy
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Ten has come home late again, out running and exercising when her dad has told her repeatedly that staying out like that isn't safe! She barely has time to catch her breath when he reminds her how their family deals with ignoring repeated warnings. He pulls her over his lap and starts to spank the naughty girl on her tight leggings as she continues to protest that it is so unfair! To emphasize the point, he yanks down the protective leggings and is appalled to find she is not wearing any panties but continues to spank her bared cheeks as they turn a shameful red. Ten complains further that she has had enough and swears crudely... only then does he remind her that this punishment is over when he says it is and places her over the couch as he unbuckles his heavy leather belt. Poor Ten now understands that answering back has real consequences as her already sore bottom receives multiple swats of the thick leather belt! Daddy isn't cruel, he just wants to remind his precious princess that there are real dangers outside as it turns dark. After he is sure she has learned her lesson, he comforts her afterward before sending Ten off for an early bedtime.

Case Cherry spanked booty
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Alice spanks Cherry OTK
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In the latest of our popular "Exercise & Discipline" series, Case Cherry and Alice Payne (aka Alice in Dallas) are sexy roommates who motivate each other to work out and get to the Gym as often as possible. Case has been telling fibs recently, avoiding Alice when it is time to go to their Gym appointments. Alice is the dominant partner in this relationship and reminds Case what happens when she behaves like this. She takes the super sexy long-legged Case over her lap as her firm hand connects to her friend's toned round bare buttocks. Alice is far from finished with her cute friend as she also uses a hairbrush with Case placed in "The Plank" position, ensuring the sexy roommate's cheeks get properly tanned. Finally, she is placed over the couch, bared and exposed, as Alice inspects her work and continues to spank Case until she promises to go attend the Gym with her as agreed! These two ladies have great chemistry, Alice as an incredibly hot Top, and Case (the cute long-legged submissive) with a beautiful spankable bottom!

spanking in pantyhose
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Sarah spanked over his lap
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Our "Positions" series usually involves having newbies to the website spanked in three popular ways which always starts with the classic OTK! So please welcome Sophia, who has an amazing bubble butt, as she shows us just how well built she is for spanking.Clara and Sophia take time out to film this from a busy, hectic weekend's shoot and the results of this latest "Positions" series are... awesome! They have a natural chemistry and Clara can't hide her delight in spanking Sophia over her maternal lap. Sophia's booty jiggles and takes the hand smackings dished to her. The second position is one of our favorites and lovely Sophia loved this too... the wheelbarrow! Multiple angles capture this most intimate of revealing and embarrassing positions with a delicious hand spanking and slow deliberate ass grabbing from Clara. Finally, placed on the couch in the diaper positon, Sophia is bared and exposed. Clara uses her hand to spank Sophia further and then uses a leather paddle to ensure that round booty is thoroughly tanned! It's a fantastic debut performance from Sophia but by no means her last... you will be seeing much more of this beauty coming soon!

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